Feature Series: Local School Wellness Policies

school wellness

As mandated on the USDA’s Food and Nutrition Service website, “Each local educational agency that participates in the National School Lunch Program or other federal Child Nutrition programs is required by federal law to establish a local school wellness policy for all schools under its jurisdiction.” These policies can be helpful for unifying teachers, parents, administrators, and students around health goals. This series features ways to get the most of your local school wellness policy. 

appleLocal Wellness Policies: Start Your School Health Makeover Today

Making the healthy choice the easy choice for families is a cornerstone effort for many national organizations including the national Partnership for a Healthier America. READ MORE


video iconGetting Your Wellness Policy Ahead of the Curve (VIDEO) 

When was the last time you looked at your school district’s local wellness policy? How about the last time you assessed how… READ MORE

booksHow Administrators Can Utilize a Local Wellness Policy to Its Full Potential

Local School Wellness Policies (LWPs) can be an easy and effective way to make your school a healthier environment… READ MORE

heartbeatHow to Find a Copy of My Student’s School Local Wellness Policy

Because schools play such an important role in your student’s wellness, Local School Wellness Policies (LWPs) can be a great resource… READ MORE

shoesHow to Engage Parents in School Wellness Policies and Action Plans

Parents can be key players in school wellness efforts.  From wellness committee membership to volunteering at one-time events… READ MORE


clipboardCreative Ways to Advertise & Generate Interest in Your School’s Local Wellness Policy (LWP)

Create a “Who’s Who…” directory for your Wellness Committee & Include your LWP goals & objectives… READ MORE