Feature Series: Managing Food Allergies in Schools

Food allergies can create concern for students, parents, teachers and food service directors. This series focuses on ways of safely managing food allergies in cafeterias and classrooms.

food allergy series

peanut Achoo…Am I Just Sensitive or is it a Food Allergy?

Peanut free, lactose intolerant, gluten free.  If you have heard these terms before you may not understand exactly what the differences between them are…. READ MORE 

backpack To Whom it May Concern, My Child Has an Allergy

As a parent or guardian, it is your job to protect the child in your care.  At some point your child will be going off to school or attending their first sleep over… READ MORE

appleWorking with Schools to Address Special Dietary Needs

It can be difficult to control what foods your children have access to at school, but proactive measures can be taken to ensure your child’s dietary needs are still met… READ MORE

lunch clip artConsider School Meals

Some parents of children with a food allergy or allergies prefer that their child eat only food prepared at home… READ MORE

cheese clipartManaging Food Allergies in Schools

Food allergies in children are on the rise. The American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI) estimates that about 6 % of children have a diagnosed food allergy… READ MORE

bread clipartHow to Talk to Your Child’s School about Food Allergies

If your child has food allergies, it is important to ensure your child’s needs are being met at school. The following information is intended to help you establish a dialogue with your child’s school… READ MORE

desk clipartHelp Reduce Food Allergens in the Classroom

Many practices in school classrooms put students with food allergies at risk. Simple solutions can greatly reduce the risk of allergic reaction… READ MORE

milk clip artMilk Substitutes in School Meals

Food allergies affect about four to six percent of children and milk allergies are one of the most common food allergies… READ MORE