Feature Series: School Breakfast Programs and Successes

school breakfast

This content series examines the importance of school breakfast and highlights some successful breakfast programs and initiatives that nourish students and help build healthy habits.

strawberry clip artWhat is the National School Breakfast Program and How Does It Work?

A hungry student may be one who can’t concentrate well enough to learn. Consider the National School Breakfast Program (NSBP) to address concerns about student concentration and academic performance… READ MORE

orange clipartEat It! Breakfast That is! VIDEO

This simple video was created to encourage students to eat a healthy breakfast.  It can be used in the classroom, during morning announcements or played in the cafeteria… WATCH HERE

muffin clipartBreakfast and the Brain: How Eating Breakfast Impacts School Performance

The claim that breakfast is the most important meal of the day has an abundance of sound science behind it…READ MORE

banana clipartPower Up with Breakfast for a Winning School Day

Do you dream of a low cost, easy way to help students who struggle achieve academic success? One answer may be as close as the school cafeteria breakfast program… READ MORE   

yogurt clipartThe Community Eligibility Provision and School Meals: A Fact Sheet

The community eligibility provision (CEP) is an option of meal reimbursement that allows schools with high rates of students who qualify for free or reduced meals to provide breakfast and lunch to all enrolled students at no charge…READ MORE 

grapefruit clipartBreakfast in the Classroom: What Advocates Say

Numerous studies show that eating breakfast has great impact on children’s ability to learn… READ MORE

toast clipart Tips for Successful Implementation of Breakfast in the Classroom

It seems simple – pack up breakfast, send it up to the classroom, the children eat breakfast together and everyone is happy! Not so fast!… READ MORE

State Programs: 


Dairy Council of California’s Healthy Breakfast Online Resources for Schools

According to the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, “Evidence suggests that breakfast consumption may improve cognitive function… READ MORE

fruit salad bowlBuilding Healthy Bodies with Outdoor School Breakfast

Lecanto Primary school in Polk County Florida is in its third year of implementing an outside breakfast program… READ MORE

appleFlint Community Schools Sees 21% increase in School Breakfast Participation

Children who eat breakfast are better prepared to learn, and school breakfast is proven to boost school achievement… READ MORE


fried egg School Breakfast Success: A Success Story Compendium by Michigan Team Nutrition

20 school breakfast success stories from Michigan Team Nutrition… READ MORE

breakfast sandwich clip artHuddle Up for Breakfast 

Students who participate in school breakfast programs have improved attendance, behavior and academic performance… READ MORE

pear clipartThe BreakfastFirst Campaign in California

The BreakfastFirst Campaign is a three year initiative to help California’s students reach their full potential and California’s schools maximize available federal resources by strengthening school breakfast programs…READ MORE

avocado clipartThink Breakfast!– Increasing Breakfast Consumption in New York State

We have all heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. We have all heard that obesity is becoming epidemic among our children…READ MORE

Photo by USDA / CC BY http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/