How to Find a Copy of My Student’s School Local Wellness Policy

Because schools play such an important role in your student’s wellness, Local School Wellness Policies (LWPs) can be a great resource to understand how nutrition and wellness guidelines are promoted in the school community.  The 2010 Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act requires schools to make LWPs accessible to parents and students, and to keep the community updated on the LWP’s content and changes.  As parents, it’s helpful to review the LWP so you can be aware of what’s being implemented at your school.  To stay informed, use these tips to help locate your student’s school LWP.

strong boy

Search Online.  Start with a search for your school district’s web page.  Once you locate the school district site, it might take some browsing to find your LWP.  If your school district has a health services page, you may find your LWP there.  If not, try searching any community, resources, or wellness initiatives pages within your school districts website.

Ask your school directly.  Because schools participating in the National School Lunch Program are required by law to develop an LWP, somebody in your school should be able to direct you to your LWP.  Try reaching out to someone in health services for assistance.

Inquire with your Board of Education.  LWPs can be district-wide.  If you’re unsure of who to contact at your student’s school, contact a member of the Board of Education.  They can point you in the right direction.  


Tisa Hill and Keira McKinney, Cornell University Division of Nutritional Sciences


Center for Disease Control and Prevention. “Local School Wellness Policy.”

School Nutrition Association. “Local Wellness Policies Frequently Asked Questions.” “Team Nutrition Wellness Policy Implementation Tools and Resources.”