Offer vs Serve in a Smarter Lunchroom

Can you implement the USDA’s Offer vs Serve provision and be a Smarter Lunchroom? Absolutely! Watch this webinar to refresh your knowledge on Offer vs Serve and to hear answers to common questions regarding Offer vs Serve in a Smarter Lunchroom. This webinar is presented by Heidi Kessler, the Executive Director of the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement at the Cornell Center for Behavioral Economics in Child Nutrition Programs and Kerri Link the Review Administrator in the Colorado Department of Education, Office of School Nutrition.  

Learning objectives:

After this webinar participants will be able to:   

  • Describe the USDA Offer vs Serve Guidance for School Meal Programs
  • Implement Smarter Lunchrooms strategies while maintaining Offer vs Serve


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